

...i was tempted to use a pun ...but refrained. there are very few who can/should use them. kinda like guys having both ears pierced. either it works amazingly or looks amazingly ridiculous. there is no inbetween.

...but i digress...

i was at another wedding. big surprise, i know.

i now have two formals that i will never ever ever wear again.

(not that they weren't quite lovely choices by the two lovely brides.)

therefore, i have decided to send said formals to the dominican republic via bartlesville oklahoma.

yes, really.

if any of you know anyone who might have any leftover, ill-fitting, or otherwise personally useless formal dresses of any kind or color lying around.... send me a message and i'll see what i can do to get ahold of them. it's for a good cause. really.
see... in brief, it works like this. marriage is a big thing there. if you can't do it properly (dress, etc.) you just don't. instead you live together. thus a christian missions org has decided that it would be most ingenious to solve the problem by removing the complaint (lack of formals). so they take formals, bridesmaid dresses, etc. down to give away! great right!? yes it is! and you should get involved. :)

1 comment:

Boo! said...

sadly, I have no formal dresses...yet

Motorcycles and coffee could never be left of the table of awesoments...I too would have boycotted the chart if that were the case.