
it's almost cold enough to see your breath...

....some nights. ep tends to take its time bringing that weather in - a fact which sometimes disappoints me, until i think of the thousands sheltered by cardboard just south of the border, and i feel guilty instead of annoyed. what these nights really remind me of, though, are meteor showers. i got to the age of 18 without seeing a shooting star. not one. tragedy.

one winter at college though, one winter caught me up. it was only four or five of us - my roommate and i (consequently, this is quite possibly my favorite roommate memory ever. maybe.) and a few others. up at three a.m. four sweatshirts apiece, still freezing. and it was cold enough to see your breath. from the dorms to the soccer fields only took five minutes, but the damp had already started to freeze on my jeans. forty-five minutes of lying on the dewy ground finished the job. far from the lights, staring into the sky, everyone lay close... but not close enough to keep the cold off. we watched. and none of that "twelve trails per hour" crap. no, several streaked across the sky every minute. and i was in awe.