
if i could be *anywhere*, august 29th...

...this would be the one place.

welcome to the Roundhouse... a former piano factory in Camden Town that got turned into a rock venue before the Stones because, after all, how many grand pianoes could any single country purchase?

but the reason i would rather be there specifically on the 29th... is the illustrious Duke Special is performing ...with a complete orchestra backing them. so genius!


...i think it's the eccentricity, i really do. how can you not love this?


possibly my favorite photo series so far

this is the picture that started it all

...aaaand then....

...i only missed the maid of honor and me ...i'm still disappointed about that. ;) oh yeah, this is fritz and hazel's wedding, by the way. so much fun! ...and no, i in no way encouraged ANY of this behavior.
honestly... the very idea. ::pff::